Applicant Information

Contact Information

Residential Address

Emergency Contact Information

Medical Information

Professional Qualifications, Background & Motivation


Security & References

Security Questions

The following is information we require in order to ensure we're providing a safe environment for our students. 

We will also require 100 points of identification from you before this check can be completed.


Please provide the names of 2 references that can verify the information you have provided us in this form. 

Optional Diversity & Demographic Data

Notification of collection of personal information by TUC

Notification of collection of personal information by TUC

Your privacy is important to us.  TUC will manage the information you provide in accordance with our obligations under Australian privacy legislation and our privacy policy.

What happens if I do not wish to provide my personal information?

TUC will be unable to offer volunteer or employment opportunities without your completion of mandatory fields.

How will my personal information be used? 

Information you provide will enable us to collaborate with our University partners. It assists us to assure them that we engage appropriately qualified and skilled people for the provision of student support. Additional information such as diversity and demographic data will help us provide an inclusive, accessible environment and to respond to the specific needs of all members of the TUC community. By providing information in this form, you consent to our use of the information in the course and continuation of TUC operations and for the purpose of engaging your services in a voluntary or paid capacity. The registration of all users’ details will also enable us to ensure a safe environment for all students, staff and volunteers accessing TUC.

The purposes for which TUC collects information includes to disclose this information to the Commonwealth Department of Education, Skills and Employment (the Department) for purposes of the administration of the Regional University Centres Program and the Higher Education Support Act 2003. This extends to, but is not limited to, assessing whether the Program is meeting its objectives, and developing higher education policy.

The Department manages information it collects in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988. For information on the Department’s privacy policy, including information on how the Department handles personal information, how you can access or correct personal information, or how to make a complaint, go to .

How can I request access or correct my personal information held by TUC?

You can access the personal information collected about you or make corrections by contacting the TUC via email to

To whom will TUC disclose my personal information? 

Information may be disclosed to university partners and government funding bodies for the purpose of performing obligations under our services agreements and funding arrangements.

Information storage

Information will be stored responsibly in accordance with relevant Australian privacy legislation and the State Records Act 1998. 

Concerns and Complaints: or How can I find further information on the collection and management of personal information by TUC? 

Please send any feedback to the Campus Coordinator via